August 9, 2017

It has become customary among the immigrant Indian families to visit home during the weddings and come back with bag full of spices and pickles and memories of marriage.  Our family is no exception to this. During my last trip back from India, an interesting incident took place at the J.F.K Airport with a young…

August 9, 2017

Before I go into the main subject of Yoga, at the outset, I would like to make clear to this esteemed gathering, some of the most misconstrued concepts on Yoga.  The word ‘Yoga” is the most, if not the utmost popular word in the world today.  It is also one of the most misunderstood sciences…

August 9, 2017

Any discussion of Bhagavadgita revolves around three important factors. First, the person who re­vealed the Gita that is Krishna. Second, the person who received the gospel and transformed his life from a state of ignorance to one of enlightenment and that is Arjuna who is the disciple of Krishna. Third, the book it self in…

August 9, 2017

Dear mother India, Following a long and tiring journey, we reached New York on the 16th January. Winter is very severe here. After the initial bouts of cold, cough, and fever, we have all recovered and once again fallen into daily routine. During the week we reached, it was snowing all through. Mr. Snow has…